Spiritual Response Therapy

SRT for Healing Relationships
SRT is just amazing! I've had some huge shifts particularly around the relationship with my long-term partner. Before the SRT I just wasn't able to cope and found it hard coming to terms with the idea that our relationship was coming to an end. With the SRT clearings, I'm much clearer about what is and isn't acceptable and there's less and less of a pull for me to continue with the way things were. I found SRT so powerful that I have gone on to train as a SRT practitioner myself.

L.S.-Richmond, London (Psycho-Therapist & Life Coach)

SRT for Health
SRT came at a time when I was overwhelmed by emotional issues and had seriously raised blood pressure. After the clearing my acupuncturist noted a significant reduction in my blood pressure and I was able to detach from overwhelming anxiety.

JM. - East Sussex

SRT for Focusing Life Purpose and Direction
I am a 38 year old New Zealander living and working in the UK for the past 5 years. I had got to a point in my life where I felt that opportunities had stopped coming to me and I felt like I was constantly waiting for something new to happen, but it wasn’t. I visited Bridget on the recommendation of a friend. Bridget assisted me to see current influences in my life and past lives, including my past fears and experiences which had carried forward and shaped my life. Bridget cleared the barriers which I hadn’t realised were holding me back and I suddenly felt free, happy and full of energy. Before I left Bridget I was already full of renewed ideas and passion for the future and my next course of action became clear. I have recommended Bridget to all my friends who are looking for answers. Bridget is such a friendly, warm and welcoming person, full of spiritual energy and insight, which is completely infectious! Thank you Bridget.

E.A. - London (Financial Director)

SRT for Conception, Birth & Post Natal Support/Family Healing
The work that Bridget has done for both me and my partner (and our baby!) over the last two years has proven invaluable. Old patterns that had been the cause of much suffering over the years have been cleared and lifted away. Life is more joyous as a result, and the channels of communication between us all are more free and open. When we decided to try to have a baby, with Bridget’s help and support we were able to conceive straight away. We had some communication with Izaak, our son, before his birth and this helped us to better know his needs and to trust our instincts over the first few weeks with him. Bridget is supportive, understanding, truly compassionate and highly gifted – we would recommend her to anyone!

L, S & I – SE London (Theatre Director & Writer)

SRT for Health
I had been experiencing shoulder pain for many years and no matter what treatment I received the relief was only short-term. Before long the pain would creep back into the shoulder and travel down my arm, making it difficult to raise the arm. Bridget was recommended by a massage therapist who felt that there was more going on in my shoulder than just muscle stress. I had no idea what to expect from SRT so I went with an open mind. Bridget was warm and welcoming and gave me an overview of SRT and I then spent the next couple of hours relaxing, reading and meditating whilst Bridget did her thing with her pendulum. During those 2 hours something shifted. I felt an overwhelming tiredness which by the time Bridget completed the therapy had lifted and was replaced with a lovely feeling of lightness. Bridget gave me an outline of what she'd found and it made so much sense.

Over the following days and weeks I noticed that my arm no longer felt like lead, and the pain in my shoulder receded and several months since that treatment the shoulder pain has never returned. I am so grateful to Bridget with her wealth of experience and knowledge and was so blown away by SRT I had to study it myself! I highly recommend it as a therapy in its own right as well as in conjunction with other therapies or allopathic treatment.

.B. – Kent (Therapist)

Aromatherapy and SRT
I met Bridget at a body and soul fair and we immediately connected. She was able to pick up very quickly that I was struggling with trauma that I had experienced. We arranged to meet up and I had one session together when Bridget identified emotions that were deep within me over the loss of my mother, husband and brother. She was able to give practical help in how I could manage my emotions and grief.

We followed up with a tummy massage. I thought it was a bit weird at first but oh my goodness the emotion that poured out of me that day unexpected but really comforting, as I trusted Bridget and felt safe in her very capable hands. Her methods and therapy really helped me in my grief journey and I will always be very grateful for what she did for me that day.

Thank you.

K.F. - Stonehaven

SRT for Death/Family Relationship Healing
I had a session with Bridget Mary Clare in 2014 while she was visiting the U.S. I didn't know what to expect, so I arrived with the only expectation of having a unique experience.
When I arrived at her workspace, she immediately made me feel welcome. We spoke about what had been happening in my life that I'd like clarification or help with. My mom had passed about 6 months before, and my relationship with my significant other had and continues to be, let's say, of curiosity to me.

So Bridget chose to utilize a pendulum and charts, and amazingly connected a lot of "the dots" in life for me... Past and present. I am very pleased with the session, and what I learned in it!

Thank you, Bridget!

E.P. - NH, USA

SRT for Conception, Birth & Post Natal Support/Family Healing
When I came from Canada to visit my dear friend in Scotland, I still had the nagging threads left over from a long-term abusive relationship. My friend who had also visited Bridget had promised to book a session for me and because of her complete faith in the results that she received, she even offered to pay for it!

I had been to very good counsellors and even spiritual healers over the years but I am a firm believer in coincidence and serendipity and the trip in itself was a great manifestation which time would not afford me to disclose in this brief testimonial. What Bridget did for me was nothing short of a miracle because she cleared the energy surrounding my issues, not only regarding the old relationship but the confusion harboured from indecision of where my career and education should take me as all paths seemed to be very rewarding. All this happened in just one session and although I need one more session, I can say that it saved me an immense amount of time and money which traditional counselling sessions in cognitive therapy would cost. I might go on to say that true traditional healing is not in what we call "cognitive therapy" but it is through individuals like Bridget who can work miracles and make vanish the underlying causes of our negative emotions. I needed my vibration shifted and she did just that! I now feel like a renewed person, more confident and clear on my future journey. She is warm, receptive, and deeply attuned to the Cosmic. Meeting Bridget was also a great manifestation!

Thank you Bridget!

B.P. – St John’s, NL

SRT Training and Healing
Bridget, thank you for the wonderful gift of SRT you have given us!!

A.H. – Scotland

SRT for Health
I have benefited enormously from Bridget's healing sessions. The SRT sessions have been particularly helpful in that a great deal of negativity, held in the conscious and subconscious mind, was cleared away. Long held programmes and unhelpful memories disappeared. Once the negativity is cleared, life improves for the better.

Since receiving healing from Bridget, I have participated in several courses in SRT therapy so that I can do the work myself. I have learned so much from Bridget over the years. Her teaching is excellent and I have benefited greatly. I am now constantly clearing with SRT.

I am hoping to continue the contact with Bridget as it is so helpful.

J.W. – NE Scotland

SRT for Health
Bridget is an inspiring and wonderful teacher.

Using SRT that she taught has provided me with amazing tools.

I feel I have more clarity and harmony in life and the ability to improve my emotional, spiritual and physical health and that of others.

Bridget has the gift of being able to empower others to help themselves in all areas of life.

I am very much looking forward to her sound healing workshop!

A.H. - Scotland