The Basic Practitioner Course lasts three days and the course is aimed at therapists who wish to offer this work as part of their professional practice to complement other therapies or personal development work.
A pre-requisite for the course is that you have attended the Re-creation Introductory Course in Sound and Self-Help using Musical Tuning Forks (see page on Self-Help using Musical Tuning Forks on this website). The Self-Help Workshop gives the context behind the work and enables the student to begin to gain familiarity in working with the Tuning Forks.
This course covers the basic principles behind Sound Healing. On satisfactory completion of the training, the student will be able to give simple and safe, yet profound, tunings and bespoke treatments. The course is simply presented and easy to learn. The work is largely practical and the listening skills required develop over time.
Topics covered include:
- Staying in tune with yourself.
- The role of sound and silence in whole person development.
- Subjects as detailed in the one Day Self-Help Workshop, and transferring them to working with clients.
- Understanding the basis of Sound Healing and the Energetic basis of life.
- The role of Light, Colour and Sound in creation and re-creation.
- The importance of listening and harmonic sound in human development.
- Working with Still Points around the body.
- Using the C and G Body Tuners, High C Crystal Tuner, stainless steel Octave of Forks, Om Tuner and more...
- Scanning and harmonising discordant energy.
- Other areas covered:
- Clearing the Energy field from stress and static energy
- Opening drainage points
- Supporting the joints of the body
- Nourishing the spine
- Clearing the Drainage and Freedom Points
- Tuning the chakras
- Integration
Tuning Forks required:
- C and G Body Tuners
- High C Crystal Tuner
- Stainless steel Octave of Forks
- Om Tuner highly recommended.
Course Manual included in the price.
Note: Please be aware that this course is not suitable for people suffering from epilepsy, pregnant women, people currently receiving psychiatric treatment, or people suffering from undiagnosed injuries or surgery in the last 12 weeks. Please get your doctor’s and tutor’s permission to attend if you are fitted with a pacemaker and inform the tutor on booking.
Please ensure that you have a First Aid Certificate updated in the last 2 years.
The Cautions Clause on the Booking Form must be checked and completed.
For more details please contact Bridget directly.
This course is registered with the Complementary Medical Association including the pre course work, the study manual and case studies following the course.
It totals 52 hours and earns 52 CPD points.